Tag Archives: otok hvar

See you soon in the island’s squares!

During the month of July, Hvar wines were featured at several events:  Bogdanuša Month at the Paradox Wine & Cheese Bar (Split), Bogdanuša Evening in Svirče, and Tasting of Hvar Wines on Škor Square (Stari Grad), as we celebrated Croatia’s entry into the European Union.

But that’s not all we have for you this summer! Look for Hvar wines at these upcoming events:

Tuesday, 30th July – Tasting of Hvar Wines on Škor Square (Stari Grad)

Saturday 3rd August – Tasting of Hvar Wines in Vrboska, in the Piaca by St Mary of Mercy (the Church Fortress)

Wednesday, 7th August Tasting of Hvar Wines on Škor Square (Stari Grad)

Wine tasting begins at 9pm.


Vidimo se uskoro na otočkim trgovima!

Za nama su Mjesec Bogdanuše u Wine & Cheese Baru Paradox (Split), Večer bogdanuše u Svirčima i Degustacija hvarskih vina na Škoru, kada smo zajedno sa Starim Gradom i gostima proslavili ulazak Hrvatske u Europsku uniju.

Ali to nije sve što vam spremamo za ovo ljeto.

U utorak, 30.srpnja 2013.g. i srijedu 7. kolovoza, možete kušati hvarska vina na trgu  Škor u Starome Gradu. 

A između ta dva događanja potražite nas u Vrboskoj, 03.kolovoza na Pjaci kod Crkve Sv. Marije od milosti (CRKVA TVRĐAVA).

Degustacije hvarskih vina počinju u 21 h.


Come to Svirče Where the Donkey Brays!

Day of Bogdanuša in Svirče
Saturday, 22 June 2013

By Ivana Krstulović Carić, dipl.ing.agr.
(original text published on OTOK HVAR, www.otok-hvar.com)

If the legend of the village name is true, it tells us that shepherds from Vrbanj playing on flutes (Croatian “svirala“) came and settled here, or alternatively that the name comes from the word “svir“, meaning “source” or “spring”. We will probably never know, but in any case, that’s not as important as what Svirče means today and what its future holds.


The village of Svirče

Svirče sits on a hillside opposite the village of Vrisnik, blending beautifully into the rural landscape. Some would call this the new Tuscany or Provence. But really, we’re just the island of Hvar and not anything else! The one and only – unique and original. We have survived through the centuries of popular uprising, Turkish attacks, wars and occupation, american pests: oidium, peronospora and phyloxera, economic crises…

The hands of our forefathers have shaped this area. Vineyards, olive groves and lavender fields, woods, streams, interlaced with dry-stone walls fascinate everyone who comes here. We ourselves are so bound up in everyday life that we forget to admire the beauty that surrounds us, we forget that our history and our heritage gives us a strong foundation for the future!

Zoga falo

A game of Zoga falo

Svirče, today, has a lot to offer. Svirče contains many stories that we are just beginning to tell the world. Our village is alive with old traditions, such as kolendanje, visiting our friends and neighbours on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, singing traditional songs. In July, we have the annual St Mandalina village celebrations.  Young people here have not forgotten the old game of Zog Falo or handball. Diligent hands continue to renew the stone terraces, fighting for every square inch of arable land, because living on an island is not easy. The earth is poor, the climate unpredictable. In such an environment, the centuries have shaped an entirely different wine grape, deservedly called bogdanuša (God-given).

Why? Because it knows this island, because it feels good here. The best wine is produced on the rather poor, red soil in the stretch between Svirče and Vrboska.

Pjaca - degustacija bogdanuše

Celebrating Bogdanuša in the pjaca

Light and fresh, God-given for summer, for company and song. Let us celebrate it, in its heartland of Svirče, on our island of Hvar, 22 June 2013 in good company, with songs from Klapa Veli Kamik, a game of Zog Falo and an exhibition of paintings “Famous Svirčani”.

– See more at: http://www.otok-hvar.com/hr/vijesti-najave/hodte-u-svire-di-tovor-rie-664


Napisala Ivana Krstulović Carić, dipl.ing.agr.

(originalan tekst objavljen za portal OTOK HVAR, www.otok-hvar.com)

Je li je točna legenda o imenu sela, koja kaže da su pastiri iz Vrbanja svireći na sviralima otišli i nastanili se na ovom području ili je ime nastalo od riječi “svir”, što znači “izvor”, vjerojatno nikad nećemo saznati. Ma nije ni važno, ono što je važno, je što Svirče znači danas i kakva mu je budućnost.



Smješteno na brežuljku nasuprot sela Vrisnik stapa se u prekrasani ruralni krajobraz. Neki bi rekli nova Toskana, ili Provansa. Ma, mi smo samo otok Hvar i ništa drugo! Jedinstveni i svoji. Preživjeli smo kroz stoljeća  pučki ustanak, turske najezde, ratove i okupacije, američke pošasti; nedaću, žiložderu i peronošperu, ekonomske krize…
Ruke naših djedova oblikovale su ovaj prostor. Vinogradi, maslinici, polja lavande, šumarci, potoci optočeni suhozidima fasciniraju svakog tko tu dođe. Mi sami, pomalo uljuljani u svakodnevni život zaboravljamo diviti se ljepoti koja nas okružuje, zaboravljamo da je naša povijest i naša baština naše uporište za budućnost!
Ono što danas Svirče nudi, nije malo. Svirče krije mnoge priče, koje tek svijetu počinjemo pričati. Naše selo još uvijek živi stare običaje, poput kolendanja, seoskih fešti za blagdane (Sv. Mandalina), ovdje mladost nije zaboravila staru igru zvanu Zoga falo ili Balun od ruke. A vrijedne ruke nastavljaju obnavljati kamene terase, bore se za svaki pedalj obradive zemlje, jer živjeti na otoku nije lako. Zemlja je škrta, klima nepredvidiva. Baš u takvim uvjetima, stoljećima se oblikovala, jedna sasvim drugačija vinska loza, zasluženo nazvana bogdanuša (Bogom dana).
Zašto? Jer poznaje ovaj otok, jer se tu dobro osjeća. Najbolje vino daje na škrtoj zemlji i crvenicama koje se protežu od Svirača prema Vrboskoj.
Lagana i svježa, Bogom je dana za lito, za kumpanjiju i za pismu. Proslavimo je, tu gdje je njeno uporište, u Svirčima, na našem otoku Hvaru, 22. lipnja 2013.godine  uz dobro društvo, pismu klape Veli kamik, staru igru Zoga falo i izložbu slika “Slavni Svirčani”.

Zoga falo

Zoga falo

Pjaca - degustacija bogdanuše



– See more at: http://www.otok-hvar.com/hr/vijesti-najave/hodte-u-svire-di-tovor-rie-664#sthash.DW95kZkN.Ltpzm6PG.dpuf