Category Archives: English

English language posts

Najboje od Hvara 2021.- petak 3.12.2021. – 16h – hotel Cornaro-Split

Prezentacija i kušanje “Najboje od Hvara”, u petak 3.12.2021. g.  bit će prvi B2B ciljani susret ugostitelja i vinara otoka Hvara, ususret blagdanima i novoj sezoni 2022. Udruga Hvarski vinari i organizatori ocjenjivanja 3. Jelsa Summer Wine Tasting Vinske zvijezde u suradnji s TZ općine  Jelsa  predstavit će ovogodišnja pobjednička vina, a vinari će, uz „en primeur“ novih berbi 2021. izložiti svoja najbolja vina i ponuditi ih vinskim distributerima, kupcima, restoranima, hotelima, wine barovima.

Događanje je podržano i od strane  TZ Splitsko – dalmatinske županije.

foto: Julio Frangen

Održano 2. ocjenjivanje izvornih sorti otoka Hvara u okviru manifestacije “Dani hvarskih vina”

Ukupni pobjednik ocjenjivanja „2. JELSA SUMMER WINE TASTING“ – Plovac Ploški Barrique 2013, vinarije Carić

U Jelsi se i ove godine održalo veliko ocjenjivanje hvarskih vina, 2. Jelsa Summer Wine Tasting, u subotu 29.8. 2020., na inicijativu TZ općine Jelsa, u organizaciji udruge Hvarski vinari i projekta ocjenjivanja Vinske zvijezde. Iako je zbog aktualnih epidemioloških mjera otkazana Fešta vina, jedno od najdugovječnijih slavlja vinu na Jadranu, umjesto nje TZ je osmislila Tjedan hvarskih vina u kojem se lokalna vina nude po popularnim cijenama u restoranima, konobama i barovima.

I na ovogodišnje ocjenjivanje 2. Jelsa Summer Wine Tasting, bili su pozvani lokalni vinari, članovi udruge „Hvarski vinari“, s vinima izvorne sorte bogdanuše, cuvéeima s bogdanušom i vinima od sorte plavac mali, kako bi se naglasila važnost izvornih sorti i potaklo vinare da više pozornosti posvete i bijelim hvarskim sortama.

foto: Julio Frangen

Ocjenjivanje je bilo podijeljeno upravo na te tri kategorije: bogdanuša, cuvéei s bogdanušom, plavac mali, a održalo jelšanskom baru Prošperin. U komisiji su bili vinski stručnjaci i znalci – Katherine Pepper (USA), vinska publicistkinja i ocjenjivačica, osnivačica projekta Cheers CroatiaSiniša Šime Matković-Mikulčić, vinski znalac, WSET2 (Secret Hvar Travel agency, Hvar), Eva Krištof, enologinja (Dubrovački podrumi), Miro Štec, vinski znalac (Hvar), Marija Vukelić, prof., WSET 2, voditeljica projekta Vinske zvijezde i Saša Zec, dipl. ing. agr. (enolog), predsjednik komisije.

foto: Julio Frangen                                                                                                                                                                     Eva Krištof, Katherine Pepper, Siniša Šime Matković-Mikulčić, Marija Vukelić,  Saša Zec, Miro Štec

Rezultati po kategorijama:


foto: Julio Frangen

1. Pavičić vina, Bogdanuša 2019 (88,250) 

2. Vina Carić, Bogdanjuša 2019 (88,000)

3. Zlatan otok, Zlatan Bogdanuša 2019 (86,00)



Cuvéei s bogdanušom 

foto: Julio Frangen

1. Zlatan otok,  Zlatan otok Cuvée 2018  (90,00) 

2. Vina Carić, Cesarica 2019 (89,00)

3. Vina Tomić,  Beleca 2019  (88,750)

Plavac mali 

foto: Julio Frangen


1. Vina Carić, Plovac Ploški barrique 2013 (92,750) 

2. Hvar Hills Plavac mali Pharos Maxvimus 2013 (92,500)

3. Vino Leše, Plavac mali 2017 (91,500)



Najbolje ocjenjeno vino, ukupni pobjednik: Vina Carić, Plovac Ploški barrique 2013 (92,750);

Dodjela priznanja najboljim vinarima održala se u baru Prošperin, gdje su nazočni vinari i gosti mogli kušati sva vina koja su bila prijavljena na ocjenjivanje. Ovogodišnje je ocjenjivanje pokazalo napredak u kvaliteti (visini ocjena) hvarskih vina, što je i bila želja organizatora – da svaki vinar, prema osvojenim bodovima na ocjenjivanju naslijepo, realno vidi kvalitetu svojih vina i pokuša je podignuti, svake godine na višu razinu, kako bi se i kvaliteta vina na cijelom otoku podigla te istodobno pojačala svijest o zajedništvu i važnosti podrške hvarskih vinara – jednih drugima. 

foto: Julio Frangen

foto: Julio Frangen

foto: Julio Frangen

WINE WEEK JELSA 26.08 – 06.09. 2020.

“While on the island of Hvar, drink Hvar wines” is is the slogan of a new event that takes place in the heart of the island of Hvar, in Jelsa town and the surrounding villages.

After it was decided that the traditional Wine Fest could not be held due to the epidemiological measures, we quickly thought of a new way of promoting our local wines which will be in accordance with the current situation. From the 27th of August until the 6th of September there will be a ‘Wine Week’ – While on the island of Hvar, drink Hvar wines.” says Marija Marjan the director of the Tourist Board of Jelsa.

This event is organized by Tourist Board of Jelsa in collaboration with the  restaurants and wine bars and the Hvar Winemakers’ Association  (Hvar Otok Vina).

The guests can enjoy in special prices of Hvar wines and discover richness of Hvar island’s wine production.

Hvar island is home of indigenous varieties such as Bogdanuša, Drnekuša, Prč, Mekuja, Kuč and many more are grown  on island, like famous Plavac Mali, Pošip, Maraština and others.

“The richness of production comes from the fact that Hvar island has  a very  dynamic landscape. Its mountain ridge extends from east to west for 68 km, making Hvar the longest of all the Croatian islands. On the south , the ridge is creating very steep vineyards. In the northwestern part of the island, the ridge transitions into hills among which are villages surrounded by terraced vineyards, finally becoming a fertile plain at sea level, the site of Hvar’s first settlements Starigrad Plain (UNESCO site).
This phenomenon is creating different microclimates that  are giving   us various possibilities in wine production.” says the president Ivana Krstulovic Caric,

During te wine week Wine Stars Competition will be organized, and we will find who are the winner for 2020 of the best wines of  Plavac Mali,  Bogdanuša and blend with Bogdanuša.
Restaurants and wine bars:


Kavana „Prošperin”, Bistro „Step Up”, Konoba „Nono”, Restoran „Pelago”, Restoran i lounge-bar „Mina”, Restoran „Kalina”, Restoran „Me & Mrs Jones”, Restoran „Pape”, Restoran „Spizza”, Wine-bar i Restoran „Artichoke”, Konoba “Garden”, Tapas & Wine bar „Monče” 

Restoran “Davor”, Konoba “Zavala” , Zavala

Konoba “Duboković”, Pitve

Konoba “Vrisnik”, Vrisnik

Konoba “Kod None”, Svirče

Restoran “Bonaca”, Wine & Oil bar “Nono Toni”, Kapar’s bar  Vrboska

PASQUALE PORCELLI – Special Guest of Fešta vina (Wine Fair) of Jelsa

We are welcoming Pasquale Porcelli, Italian wine journalist and a member of ONAV  (National Organization of the Tasters of Wine) to Fešta Vina.

Pasquale Porcelli

Pasquale Porcelli

“Our Association has been collaborating  with ONAV for many years,  we are  happy to  finally meet one of the representatives here on  Island of Hvar.

We remember  a few collaborations with ONAV Milano with Carlo Consonni, also

tasting  in Avellino,  with  ONAV  led by Giuseppe Ianonne at Wine Fredane Festival,

and tasting of Crljenak (Tribidrag)  compared with Primitivo wines  with  ONAV BAT ,

more can be  found about that event in article of Pasquale Porcelli:

said President of Hvar Winemakers Association, Ivana Krstulovic Caric, dipl. ing. agr.


Ivana Krstulovic Caric,dipl. ing. agr. President of Hvar Winemakers Association

Pasquale Porcelli is a freelance journalist, writing for Wine Surf .

The latest recognition for his work is “Special Mention for his knowledge and dedication for promotion of Apulian enogastronomy”

at Premio Terre del Negroamaro.

Pasquale Porcelli will be one of the tasters of the  Jelsa Summer Wine Tasting on 30.08.2019.     organized by Jelsa Tourist Board, our Association and Vinske Zvijezde (Wine Stars)!



Through four seasons, in our vineyards on Hvar – Ivana Krstulovic Caric – SUSTAINABLE ISLAND -23.05.2019. 7 PM -FESTIVAL OPENING- JELSA

Wine, Olive and Heritage Festival in Jelsa on  Island Hvar, will pe opened  with  the event named Through four seasons, in our vineyards on Hvar, where we will discover the true story about  the Mediterranean Diet.

A life cycle of the vineyards on Hvar we will discover with Ivana Krstulović Carić,, leader of the project on sustainable tourism and agriculture of   the   Sustainable Island , Ivana is also a president of  Hvar Winemakers Association, consultant in food and agriculture sector,  sales and marketing  manager of Caric winery and  licenced tourist guide.

The event is created by the Association Sustainable Island in co-operation with Catering High School, Hvar Winemakers Association, Association Trim & Women’s Cooperative Faria and Tourist Board of Jelsa. 

We will enjoy in music, local food and wines!


Galina Niforou

Master Class of Galina Niforou   “The Diversity is Our Treasure”- indigenous Bulgarian and Croatian grape varieties – Jelsa – 26.05.2019 – 11 AM

Galina is the chairwoman of  Bulgarian Wine Export Association (BWEA) and work hard to promote Bulgarian wines abroad. Galina is the founder and managing director of the Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival – very successful event, aiming to promote Balkan wines, that will take place next month  (5-9  June 2019) in  Sofia, Bulgaria.


It celebrates the millennial wine-making tradition of the Balkan Peninsula as expressed in its modern Balkan wines – daily savored and loved by locals and more and more preferred by the wine lovers worldwide.

Galina Niforou has an engineer degree in Wine and Spirits Technology from the University of Food Technology, Plovdiv and she has specialized in Wine Marketing & Management MBA at Bordeaux International Wine Institute – INSEEC, Bordeaux, France.
During the 20 years in the wine industry in Bulgaria and abroad she has established herself as a specialist who successfully develops business strategies and creates brands of international significance. She consults wine producers and writes for different wine editions.

Galina is the chairwoman of  Bulgarian Wine Export Association (BWEA) and work hard to promote Bulgarian wines abroad. Galina is the founder and managing director of the Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival – very successful event, aiming to promote Balkan wines.

Master Class of Galina Niforou on  Wine, Oil and Heritage Festival

is named  “Diversity is Our Treasure – indigenous Bulgarian and Croatian grape varieties” and will present the wines of Bulgarian and Croatian producers.

26.05.2019 – 11 AM – Jelsa Municipality Ballroom – reservations

 Vrachanski Misket 2018, Tipchenitza Winery   

Gramatik Melnik 55, Винарска изба Рупел – Rupel Winery
Elenovo Rubin 2015 Edoardo Miroglio wine
Elenovo Mavrud 2015 Edoardo Miroglio wine

Croatian wines:
Bogdanjuša 2018 – Caric
Pošip 2018- OPZ Svirče (cooperative Svirče)
Prč 2018 – Vujnović
Plavac mali barrique 2013- Tomić

#najbojeodHvara #JelsaWOH

Special Guest of The Wine, Olive and Heritage Festival 2019 – Giampaolo Gravina, Italian Philosopher and a Wine-Writer

We are welcoming special guest of our festival, Italian philosopher and a wine-writer, Giampaolo Gravina.

He has worked in wine for over 20 years, most of the time as a co-editor of the wine guide Vini d’Italia published by L’Espresso (15 editions: from 2002 to 2016).

Today he teaches Wine Aesthetics at Slow Food University in Pollenzo and Wine Writing at the Master in Food and Wine Philosophy of “Vita e Salute” University of Milan. His many books on wine include two Italian editions of Vini e Terre di Borgogna with co-author Camillo Favaro (ArteVino Editore 2012/2018; english translation just published in January 2019); Vini da scoprire, La riscossa dei vini leggeri (Giunti Editore, 2016/2017) and the latest Vini artigianali italiani (Paolo Buongiorno Editore, 2018) all with co-authors Armando Castagno and Fabio Rizzari.

Giampaolo Gravina

The first Wine, Olive and Heritage Festival, in Jelsa on Hvar from 23rd to 26th May!

The Wine, Olive and Heritage Festival 2019 will be held in Jelsa on Hvar Island for the first time, on  May 23-26. Over the four days local and foreign participants will showcase Hvar Island’s culture on various levels, with local wines and olive products taking pride of place in cooperation with the Festival’s guests. Aimed at both Croatian and foreign tourists, the Festival’s aim is to promote local Hvar producers under the banner of ‘the Mediterranean Diet‘, a concept which comprises “knowledge and skills related to the careful relationship with the natural resources of land and sea which is vital not only for obtaining food, but for ensuring quality for living conditions and for a stable ecological system”.

The idea of the Festival is for local people to create it through their products, visions and desire for communal progress, at the same time learning something new together with the guests / visitors. The Festival aspires to promote “everything that is best about Hvar” in an entertaining and educational dimension.

 #najbojeodHvara #JelsaWOH

The official opening of the Festival will be in the Jelsa Park on Thursday  May 23 at 7pm, followed by a Gastro-Show by students from the High School of Catering, who will present their Mediterranean food dishes, alongside products by members of the local association ‘Trim’ and Cooperative ‘Faria’. Ivana Krstulović Carić,, representing the association ‘Sustainable Island’ (‘Održivi otok’),  will present event Through the four seasons in our vineyards on Hvar – The Mediterranean Diet’, explaining more about the direction the island is taking, with interesting details relating to the dishes and .

On Friday and Saturday, 24th and 25th May from 8pm onwards, all the participants in the Festival will be represented in a tasting of local wines and olive oils (the list of wine producers to date: Carić Wines, Pinjata Wines, the Svirče Agricultural Cooperative, Mario Carić, the Plančić Brothers, Huljić Wines, Plenković Wines; olive oil producers: Radojković and Curin).

During the day on Friday a workshop by Mirella Žanetić on extra virgin olive oil in Mediterranean food is planned, as well as a guided tour around the best-known Hvar wineries and oil mills, with tastings in Hvar’s exquisite surroundings (tour price 250 kn, bookings via:

Within the Festival is a celebration of the local Chakavian dialect, and there will be a special variety programme of recitations, acting, dancing and singing by local children. On Saturday morning the Festival programme will start with a workshop by Professor Marija Vukelić titled “The Mediterranean in a glass of wine (and in verse)”, followed by a tour of the wineries. From 7pm there will be a special event called ‘the Bonkulović Evening’, with a range of Mediterranean culinary specialities on offer, prepared by Jelsa’s restaurateurs. The programme will last until midnight, with guest appearances by the Đakovo folk dancing group and tamburica players.

Apart from local participants, the first Wine, Oil and Heritage Festival will also be welcoming guests from Bulgaria. The well-known Bulgarian oenologist Galina Niforou (Wine MBA, BIWC Managing Director) will conduct a workshop titled “Diversity is Our Treasure – indigenous Bulgarian and Croatian grape varieties”.

The Festival closing ceremony will take place on Sunday 26th May at 11am, and will include the distribution of certificates of thanks.

All the workshops are free of charge, while the winery tours cost 250kn, reservations via: .

We look forward to welcoming you on your visit to discover the local treasures of Hvar Island. #eatlocal

Festival Organiser: Jelsa Tourist Board,


DO NOT MISS UPCOMING EVENTS! Find us at the island’s squares, in Stari Grad at Tvrdalj Square, in Jelsa at Saint Johns Square / 9 PM 

NE PROPUSTITE DOGAĐANJA!  Pronađite nas na otočkim trgovima, u Starome Gradu na Tvrdalju, u Jelsi na trgu Sv. Ivana / 21h


JELSA 01.08.2018.

STARI GRAD 07.08. 2018.

JELSA 11.08. 2018.

STARI GRAD 21.08. 2018.

24. i 25. 08.2018. Fešta vina – Jelsa